The most common reason that browsers crash when you submit code is that you have mistakenly written an infinite loop in your code. Infinite loops will run forever and cause the tab that you're in to freeze.
If you have written a loop of any kind (e.g. "For", "For/In", "While", or "Do/While") and you have made a mistake when setting the conditions of the loop, you may have created an infinite loop.
You can follow these steps to fix it:
- Close the tab that Codecademy is running in
- Open a new tab and navigate back to the same exercise
- Take a close look at the conditions of any loop that you have created, pay close attention to any "<" or ">" characters, and ensure that you have set the stop point correctly.
- After editing this code, click "Submit" again to see if you have corrected your loop.
- If you are still seeing your browser freeze, repeat steps 1-4 until you have found the error.
- You may also use compare your code to the solution code by selecting Get Unstuck -> Get Code Solution to help you locate the loop.
If you are not able to find the error in your loop after a few attempts, click the "Reset Exercise" button at the bottom of the page and start again.
For more information about infinite loops, please see here.