We recently added Code Challenges to our Catalog!
We built Code Challenges to help you with your job search. Code Challenges allow you to test your knowledge and practice real-world technical interview questions. We encourage you to practice Code Challenges as many times as you'd like.
With Code Challenges, you'll be given an instructional prompt on the far left panel, a code editor in the middle panel where you complete your code, and a code output window on the far right panel where you can test. We will check how many of the tests pass and give you recommendations for what to learn next. Unlike a lot other other types of content, there is no single 'right' answer to these challenges, so try your best and learn from the experience.
You can see all of our Code Challenges here. Please note that Code Challenges do require a Pro subscription to access.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Support team at https://help.codecademy.com/hc/en-us.