A "pending" invitation means you have added the user to your plan, however, they have not yet verified their account within the email invitation sent. You can perform the following actions on a pending invitation on the Members tab by selecting the three dots on the far-right-hand side of the table:
Resend- this triggers a resend of the initial email invitation.
- Note: the email invitation contains a unique access token. In order to activate the account, the recipient must click the link by verifying their email address. These emails are sent from info@itr.info.codecademy.com with the subject You've been invited to Codecademy Teams". Please have the learner search their inbox for the above.
Remove- this revokes the invitation token from the recipient and frees up an account on your plan.
- Note: this person will have already received the initial invitation email but the invite token will no longer be valid for use.
For further assistance with the Business Account Management tool, please contact your Teams Account Manager directly.