Your past due payment will enter a collection period in which we will attempt to charge your card multiple times. If the billing information is not updated and payment is not received, your subscription will be deactivated 28 days after that.
If you receive an email indicating that your payment was declined and your account is past due, you can update your Purchases and Subscriptions account info with a new credit card.
Note that past due collections are always attempted multiple times.
If you are certain that your card details are up to date and the payment continues to fail, it's likely due to a safety precaution implemented by your card company/bank to combat potential fraudulent charges. If your card is rejecting our charge, please call your card vendor/bank to authorize the payment.
If your subscription has been deactivated, you can regain your progress on Pro material by purchasing a new Pro subscription with a new, valid payment method. You won't lose any access to your progress.
If you receive an email indicating your payment was declined, and you want to cancel your subscription and prevent billing, please Submit a Request to our Customer Support team.