Lessons are meant to introduce new topics and allow for some guided practice. Our system will automatically check your code after selecting "Run", and if correct, allow you to proceed to the next step in the exercise or the next exercise. If there is an error or a difference between your code and our solution code, the step will be flagged and an error message will appear to help you get unstuck until you get the proper code and are allowed to proceed. You can also use the View Solution tool to compare your code to the solution code on our site to identify your error.
Projects are less guided than our lessons and are helping you apply the previously learned knowledge. Because of this, our system will not compare your code to a solution code as we do in lessons. An error message will appear if the code can not be run at all but you should use the opportunity to use your code troubleshooting skills! You will not have the option to View Solution during projects.
In addition, because we are not comparing your code to a solution code, the steps will not be automatically marked as complete after running the code. You will need to manually check off each step as you complete them to mark as complete within the system. To run your code, you will select the "Save" button. This is the same functionality as the "Run" button in the lessons, it is just named slightly differently to help establish the difference between lessons and projects and the fact that your code is not being compared to a solution code during projects.