You may have noticed some updates to your learning environment on lessons and projects. Please see below for more information regarding the new design:
Rearranged buttons
- We moved the “Course Menu” button from the bottom left corner beneath the code instruction panel to the top left corner next to “My Home.” Click the “Course Menu” button to access your current syllabus, where you'll see your progress status and from which you may navigate to other content items. You can also use "Course Menu" to switch to other exercises in that lesson. This replaces and upgrades the 'hamburger' menu that was previously in the bottom-left corner of the learning environment.
- The “Back” button has moved from the code editor middle panel to the right corner. Click “Back” to see the previous exercise you completed. "Back" will not be visible on quizzes.
- The “Next” button has moved from the code editor middle panel to the right corner. Click “Next” to proceed in your lesson after submitting or running code.
- The Codecademy connection indicator has been moved to the upper right corner.
- “Get Unstuck” has moved from the bottom right corner to the upper right corner. Click “Get Unstuck” to access available Concept Review, the Solution Code, report a bug, or contact Support for account questions. Where applicable, this menu will also allow access to concept review, comparing your code to the solution (with the diffing feature), and FAQs on the content in question.
- The "Reset Exercise" button (small circle made of arrows icon) is still beneath the code editor in the middle panel, but it has been swapped with the "Copy to Clipboard" button (little clipboard icon).
- The header and footer UI for quizzes now match other content item types.
Added buttons
- In the top left corner, you can see a “My Home” button. “My Home” will take you to your Dashboard page where you can see all of your enrolled courses.
- In the top right corner, you can see the “Tools” button. “Tools” will allow you to toggle accessibility features like High Contrast Mode, Screen Reader Mode, Autoclose Brackets + Quotes Mode, Render Whitespace Mode, and Font Size. Pro learners will be provided a button to share their code by generating a Gist URL. We're excited to fill up this menu with more tools!